
group of people sitting around laughing and talking

Harmony to Heartache - Understanding relationship breakdown and break ups

Wednesday, 24th of July  2024

To be continued after the summer

legs of 4 people, walking along on the road with their shadows casting down

Walk & Talk

To be continued after the summer

lots of tools displayed next to each other in a line, all white in colour

Peer Supervision

Saturday, 29th of June 2024

A hand holding a blue ribbon in the air representing mental health

What Does It Mean To Be A Man In 2024?
Topic: Why Are Men 'Closed Books And More Prone To Secrecy?

Wednesday, 29th of May 2024

To be continued after the summer

Saturday, 10th of February  2024

iCE 2024 event page describing the latest upcoming event which will be betwwen 1-3rd March 2024

1st – 3rd of March, 2024

Jennifer von Baudissin – Presentation 1st of March, 8:45am

image of hands held together with multicoloured ribbons representing cancer

Friday, 21st of June  2024

To be continued after the summer